I'm DanielBeltranS2, a mexican 3D artist.
I make 3D models and renders I feel like to make (mostly fanarts, but I'm also capable of creating more original sci-fi and fantasy oriented stuff)

Age 24, Male

Freelance 3D Artist


Joined on 12/25/22

Exp Points:
462 / 550
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.90 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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DanielBeltranS2's News

Posted by DanielBeltranS2 - February 4th, 2024

Los renders del modelo 3D de Klonoa ya están terminados. A lo largo de la siguiente semana publicaré uno por uno los 4 renders que he preparado, junto con un video demostrativo en mi canal de YouTube (que todavía no he grabado). Sé que les encantarán los renders.


The renderings of the Klonoa 3D model have been completed. Over the next week I will publish one by one the 4 renders I have prepared, along with a demo video (which I have not yet recorded). I know you will love the renders.



Posted by DanielBeltranS2 - December 31st, 2023


Lo inicié a inicios de este mes, y apenas antier logré terminar de hacer el modelado 3D de Klonoa. Y todavía no acabo de hacer al personaje, por eso esto es un avance.

Aún no sé si quiero conservar este estilo o intentar seguir el estilo de dibujo de mi hermano menor, ya que este proyecto lo inicié para que fuese su regalo de cumpleaños, pero, como ya me atrasé demasiado con este y otros proyectos, creo que lo mejor será que continúe tal y como está ahora.

No sé qué tan fan de Klonoa sea mi hermano menor, pero vi que seguía un montón de cuentas y daba Favoritos a varias ilustraciones con estilos similares a los de esta franquicia de juegos.

Este será el primer modelo 3D que le dedique a mi hermano menor, aunque no el primer intento, por lo que haré lo mejor posible por hacer un buen trabajo con Klonoa.

Bueno, es todo por ahora.

Recuerden visitar mis otras redes sociales para ver más del contenido que subo (que, por cierto, quizá cambie mi agrupador de enlaces por uno más estilizado):


Muchísimas gracias por ver este trabajo 3D en progreso, y nos vemos en la siguiente publicación. Hasta la Bye-Bye.

I started it at the beginning of this month, and just yesterday I finished the 3D modeling of Klonoa. And I still haven't finished the character, so this is a preview.

I still don't know if I want to keep this style or try to follow my younger brother's drawing style, since I started this project to be his birthday present, but, as I'm already too late with this and other projects, I think it's better to continue as it is now.

I don't know how much of a Klonoa fan my younger brother is, but I saw that he was following a lot of accounts and was favoriting several illustrations with similar styles to this game franchise.

This will be the first 3D model I dedicate to my younger brother, though not the first attempt, so I'll do my best to do a good job with Klonoa.

Well, that's all for now.

Remember to visit my other social networks to see more of the content I upload (which, by the way, I might change my link grouper for a more stylized one):


Thank you very much for checking out this 3D work in progress, and I'll see you in the next post. Hasta la Bye-Bye. 


Posted by DanielBeltranS2 - December 1st, 2023


Un nuevo WIP para la colección, ¡Yay!

Fuera de que ahora tengo otro trabajo en Blender que debo completar, una vez más estoy contrarreloj con este proyecto porque tengo en mente estrenarlo exactamente el próximo jueves. ¿La razón? Pues ese día es el cumpleaños de mi hermano menor, al cual no le he regalado un modelo 3D.

Para mí, es muy poco tiempo porque solo tengo la cabeza, el torso y parte de los brazos completados, y todavía tengo que texturizar al personaje. Puedo ahorrar tiempo si lo poso con las opciones del Modo Escultura, en lugar de crear un esqueleto, ajustar pesos y demás; pero aún tengo ciertos pendientes en la escuela, por lo que el tiempo que le puedo dedicar a este proyecto se verá interrumpido.

Aún así, si no puedo entregarle algo para esa fecha, al menos le diré que tuve la intención, y que lo terminaré tan pronto como pueda y del modo en que tenía en mente.

A new WIP for the collection, Yay!

Apart from the fact that I now have another Blender job to complete, I'm once again against the clock with this project because I have in mind to release it exactly next Thursday. The reason? Well, that day is my younger brother's birthday, to whom I haven't given him a 3D model.

For me, it's too little time because I only have the head, torso and part of the arms completed, and I still have to texture the character. I can save time if I pose him with the Sculpt Mode options, instead of creating a skeleton, adjusting weights and so on; but I still have some school work to do, so the time I can devote to this project will be interrupted.

Still, if I can't get something to you by that date, at least I'll tell him that I intended to, and that I'll finish it as soon as I can and the way I had in mind.


Posted by DanielBeltranS2 - September 9th, 2023

Bueno, regresaré de la tumba una vieja dinámica que había propuesto en mis publicaciones o actualizaciones de estado: la de decirles lo que ha pasado en mi semana. Principalmente lo hago para justificar mi ausencia.

Primero, hace 3 semanas inicié mis clases, y todo iba bien hasta que mis profesores que me dan clases de 6 a 8 de la tarde comenzaron a dar clases. Ya me había acostumbrado a la idea de no tener esas clases, y ahora que están dando clases (no muy buenas, gracias a que a esas horas, creo yo, dejan a los peores profesores), regreso más cansado de la vida a mi casa.

Segundo, hice un compromiso de enfocarme a mis estudios durante los días hábiles, dejando los fines de semana como días de relajación y de elaboración de proyectos personales. Esto atrasará demasiado mis proyectos personales, pero, siendo este un semestre crítico que definirá si continuo con mi carrera o si termino siendo expulsado de la escuela, es un sacrificio que debo tomar, me guste o no.

En estos días trataré de mantener un poco de actividad en mis redes sociales, tan pronto termine un pequeña sesión de estudios que me propuse (lejos de la escuela, es más bien una meta personal)

Y ya. Es todo lo que quería comentar. Hasta luego.

Well, I will return from the grave an old dynamic I had proposed in my posts or status updates: telling you what has happened in my week. Mostly I do it this time to justify my absence.

First, 3 weeks ago I started my classes, and everything was going well until my professors who teach me from 6pm to 8pm started teaching. I had already gotten used to the idea of not having those classes, and now that they are giving classes (not very good, thanks to the fact that at those hours, I think, they leave the worst teachers), I go back home more tired of life.

Second, I made a commitment to focus on my studies during the weekdays, leaving the weekends as days for relaxation and personal projects. This will delay my personal projects too much, but, this being a critical semester that will define whether I continue with my career or end up being expelled from school, it is a sacrifice I must take, whether I like it or not.

These days I will try to maintain a little activity in my social networks, as soon as I finish a little study session I set myself (far from school, it's more of a personal goal).

And that's it. That's all I wanted to comment. See you soon.


Posted by DanielBeltranS2 - August 29th, 2023


I was supposed to release the new look at my Chopper 3D model as soon as I finished it, but once again I forgot. I was feeling low morale due to some personal issues, but never mind. Better late than never.

I finally finished assigning the colors to the character where they belong, and what's next is to add other details that will hopefully bring more life to this astromech droid.

It is likely that this will be the last WIP I will show of the character because he is so far along in his development. I hope you enjoy these current results and the final results once I post them.



Posted by DanielBeltranS2 - August 23rd, 2023

Since my school schedule is somewhat jammed on Wednesdays and Fridays, I will be less active (at worst, inactive) on my social networks. 

However, I will continue to try to get my personal projects out there as fast as I can. 

Posted by DanielBeltranS2 - July 14th, 2023


Alright, it's time to show my next 3D model I've been working on this week.

Taking advantage of the fact that I had the base for female characters already made (which, by the way, you can buy in my Itch.io and Ko-fi account, links below), and that I felt like recreating a character that Manchines gave me a long time ago, I said to myself "let's do it".


I still have a long way to go, but, otherwise, it already has most of the things that characterize the character in the original image, and I was able to recreate the anime style shading in a good way.

Again, I won't be working on this model next week, nor on Chopper. I have some business to attend to, but that doesn't mean I won't be doing some 3D modeling.

By the way, since I was given this character almost like an orphan, I had to come up with a name for her. With you, Evangeline Carmine. I wanted a name away from Japanese culture, and a little closer to the Gothic or Victorian style.




Posted by DanielBeltranS2 - July 6th, 2023

A look at the current progress of the Chopper (Star Wars) 3D model, which was available in advance on my Patreon.

I've been wanting to make this character for a long time, and I hope to finish it this month.

I'm experimenting with a cartoon/anime style seen in some Arc System Works games (such as Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, Dragon Ball FighterZ, 3D games that look like 2D games).



Posted by DanielBeltranS2 - June 25th, 2023


¡Es de mi agrado informar que he abierto una cuenta en Patreon! Todavía sigue en construcción, pero con el tiempo haré mi página más presentable. Sin embargo, son libres de visitarla y de apoyarme económicamente si gustan.

¡I am pleased to inform that I have opened a Patreon account! It is still under construction, but with time I will make my page more presentable. However, you are free to visit it and support me financially if you like.



Posted by DanielBeltranS2 - May 9th, 2023

Hello there! I'm DanielBeltranS2. I'm a 3D modeler and artist.

I love creating 3D models almost from scratch about various things, mainly fanarts of characters and vehicles from series, movies and videogames.

For any commission or job that you want to ask me, send me a direct message to my Newgrounds or DeviantArt accounts, because I almost never check my emails. You can also send me a direct message to my Discord user.

Discord user: ShinDanielBeltranS2#0362

Commissions: Open | Art Trades/Collabs: Not available at all (Ask me first) | Requests: Not available at all (Ask me first)

Social media & Additional Links:







More info:

  • I mainly crosspost artworks from my other accounts here.
  • I try to at least reply to most comments I receive. Please be patient and respectful!
  • One word PMs are typically regarded as spam and will be ignored.
  • All of my external links to other accounts such as my Ko-Fi, Tumblr, Itch.io and more can also be found linked on my profile.
  • If you would like to support me, which is highly appreciated, then buy me a coffee or donate me on my PayPal.
